The Young Global Leaders Network Inc. is a non-profitable, youth led organization that creates a platform for accomplished youth leaders from different facets of life to train and mentor the younger generation while gaining access to insights, tools, and opportunities to engage with key stakeholders and enhance their ability to influence global leaders.
The Young Global Leaders Network-NGN contributes with its commitment to the attainment and raising awareness of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through its strategic approach and yearly projects.
As a part of our strategy, we shall collaborate with development partners such as diplomatic services, relevant government agencies, politicians, thought leaders, media organizations, NGOs, academia, and leaders of industries. The goal of the strategic partnership is to create avenues for youth mentorship and address the current and emerging challenges regarding employment, entrepreneurship and participation in governance.

The Young Global Leaders Network Inc- is recognized under the leadership of Young Leaders International in the United Kingdom with registration No;11775356. The Young Leaders International, UK. is a legal entity on its own that directs, guides, and provides general leadership to all Young Global Leaders Network Inc. Chapters worldwide through an MOU signed by all entities.
The Young Global Leaders Network – NGN exist as an established branch or chapter arm of the Young Global Leaders Network Inc. – a registered private Organization under the COMPANIES AND ALLIED MATTERS ACT 2020 with the registration NO. 355142 which operates as a non-governmental organization, social enterprise, and non-profit organization with the goal of nurturing, providing mentorship, training and networking opportunities for aspiring young leaders, student leaders, social movement activists, young entrepreneurs and facilitating the development of the next generation of leaders at all levels.